We go beyond just providing a roof over a person’s head. Our diverse range of housing and homelessness services cater for individuals at every stage of their journey away from homelessness.
What we do
We are passionate about creating flexible and empowering pathways to stability and recovery while seeking to prevent homelessness in the first place.
We work directly on the streets with rough sleepers, helping them to find suitable accommodation, or supporting them to overcome barriers that are preventing them from doing so.
We deliver holistic and person-centred support and accommodation. We believe every person deserves a safe and stable living environment, and that’s precisely what we strive to provide.
We work closely with local authorities and other voluntary organisations to provide a joined-up approach. Our services aren’t one size fits all either, they include; shelters, hostels, supported housing and semi-independent living options.

We deliver homelessness and housing services across Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Sheffield.
Many of our services are based in the community, providing support for individuals in their own accommodation.
We firmly believe that recovery is possible for everyone, and that a secure living space is integral to this process.
We help people to remain independent, connecting them to statutory services, or advocating on their behalf.
What is homelessness?
Homelessness includes those who are sleeping rough or living in temporary and unstable accommodation. Sleeping rough means sleeping on the streets. Temporary and unstable accommodation includes sofa surfing and situations where domestic violence or sexual abuse is occurring.
The reasons people become homeless are very complex and each person will have their own story. It could be the result of a relationship breakdown, poverty, bereavement, mental or physical health issues, substance use or issues stemming from childhood.
Policy, economics, and societal issues often make these situations worse. Local and national solutions for homelessness can be complicated and are not suitable for everyone.
Our vision is a society where everyone has suitable accommodation and, where necessary, appropriate support towards independence. We know it won’t happen overnight, but we are doing all we can to provide safe, sustainable accommodation in all of the locations we work.

Make a referral
We deliver a large number of specialist housing support services. The majority require a referral via a relevant local authority or another service such as the NHS or probation. If you already have a Support Worker you can ask them about our services or you can find out more about how to get help here. A small number of our housing support services accept self-referrals (which means you can contact us directly for support). These are listed below.