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Support if you are rough sleeping

Our Street Outreach Team will come and meet you where you are. If you are calling about someone else, they will try to find them based on the information you provide.


Call our Street Outreach Team directly on freephone 0800 066 5356 or text ‘SOT’ followed by your message to 80800.


Call our Street Outreach Team directly on freephone 0800 066 5356 or text ‘SOTN’ followed by your message to 80800.

You can also contact Emmanuel House Support Centre on 0115 9507140. They run a Day Centre and a Winter Shelter between October and April every year.



Call our Street Outreach Team directly on freephone 0800 066 5358.

You can also contact The Archer Project at Sheffield Cathedral by calling 0114 263 6970 or completing their contact form. They project offers a pathway from street homelessness to a settled life.


Street Outreach Sheffield

Support if you are facing mental health issues

Mental health support

Mental health crisis support

Is your life at risk now?

If you feel like you might attempt suicide or have seriously harmed yourself, you need urgent medical help now.

Call 999 for an ambulance or go straight to A&E if you can.

Framework service user

Mental health urgent support

If you don’t want to call 999, you can:

  • Call NHS 111 (England)
  • Contact a local urgent mental health helpline (England only)
  • Contact your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment.
Framework service user

Immediate phone support

If you need to talk right now, the following organisations are there for you:

  • Samaritans – call 116 123
  • SHOUT – text SHOUT to 85258
  • Nottinghamshire Crisis Sanctuaries – call 0300 822 4100 (4pm – 11pm).


Need refugee advice?

You can contact the Refugee Council for information on seeking asylum in the UK. Each year they support over 13,000 people who are desperately seeking safety.

Framework service user