We aim to keep people safe, improve their quality of life, build their self confidence and help them to engage in community life.
What we do
We are seeing an increase in complex needs amongst the people we support. This means that they are facing a combination of issues including: homelessness (or being at risk of homelessness), poor mental health, substance use, offending, domestic violence and poverty.
This combination of needs mean that people frequently fall through the gaps in the support system that is meant to help them. As a result they end up trapped in decades-long and costly cycles of prison, homelessness, poor mental health and substance use.
Our specialist support services provide a holistic approach. We do not ask a person to address one complex need before another because we know this doesn’t work. Instead we support co-occurring conditions at once. This means meeting people where they are on their recovery journey and not expecting them to manage their substance use or a mental health condition as criteria for accessing other services.
Make a referral
We deliver a large number of specialist support and care services to people with a diverse range of needs. The majority of our services require a referral via a relevant local authority or another service such as the NHS or probation. You can find out more about how to get help here. A small number of our support and care services accept self-referrals (which means you can contact us directly for support). These are listed below.