Street outreach team

Our Street Outreach Teams operate in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and Sheffield and are at the forefront of our work aimed at ending homelessness.
The teams will come and meet you where you are. If you are calling about someone else, they will try to find them based on the information you provide.
They engage with and support people who are sleeping on the streets, whilst working with other agencies to reduce the number of rough sleepers. They can help people experiencing rough sleeping to:
• Find safe and secure accommodation and claim benefits they may be entitled to
• Access medical treatment and get help with drug, alcohol and mental health problems
• Re-engage with estranged family members, return to their home region or home country.
Rough Sleeper 24 Hour Hotline for Nottingham
Call freephone 0800 066 5356 or text ‘SOT’ followed by your message to 80800.
You can email the Nottingham City Street Outreach Team at:
You can also contact Emmanuel House Support Centre on 0115 9507140. They run a Day Centre, and a Winter Shelter between October and April every year.
Rough Sleeper 24 Hour Hotline for Nottinghamshire
Call freephone 0800 066 5356 or text ‘SOTN’ followed by your message to 80800.
You can email the Nottinghamshire Street Outreach Team at:
Rough Sleeper 24 Hour Hotline for Sheffield
Call freephone 0800 066 5358.
You can email the Sheffield Street Outreach Team at:
You can also contact The Archer Project at Sheffield Cathedral by calling 0114 263 6970 or completing their contact form. The project offers a pathway from street homelessness to a settled life.