Following the loss of his best friend to suicide, Kain experienced severe mental health issues and used drugs to block out the pain.

Unable to cope with the suicide of his closest friend, Kain became addicted to the drug Mamba and began forming damaging relationships which ultimately led to him losing his flat. With nowhere to call home, Kain was trapped in a destructive cycle of rough sleeping and petty crime.
Kain’s Support Worker saw his potential and knew that finding a permanent home could help him break free from this cycle.
During the Covid-19 pandemic we sourced hotel accommodation for Kain and worked with him to address his addiction and mental health issues.
In April 2021 Kain moved into his new Housing First flat. Having a place to call home for the first time in four-years, Kain began to make plans for the future.
The stability provided by guaranteed housing and long-term support has led to an improvement in Kain’s mental health and given him the determination to return to work and plan for a better future.