skills plus
You can join Skills Plus if you are accessing a Framework service or living in Framework accommodation.
Our Skills Plus and Home Skills programmes teach people the practical skills needed to live independently and to effectively manage a home.
Support is delivered in community and accommodation services across Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire and content includes:
• Effectively managing money and shopping on a budget
• Communication skills and confidence building
• Health, wellbeing and healthy relationships
• Digital skills.
Sessions usually last two hours and are delivered week days only between 10am and 4pm. There are also support and follow-up activities available to help attendees put their learning into practice.
Read the Skills Plus leaflet for more information.
What is Skills Plus like?
To access Skills Plus, you can speak to your Support Worker or contact the Skills Plus Team directly using the email address below.
Skills Plus is for people accessing Framework services and Framework residents only.