Providing drug and alcohol support in Lincolnshire

People who are homeless or at risk of homelessness generally need help with one or more of the following – housing, health, employment and support and care. These are the four pillars of our work.
In Lincolnshire, Framework has been providing a wide range of accommodation and support to homeless and vulnerable people since 2011. From this month we are one of three partners delivering an important new service – the Lincolnshire Recovery Partnership – to help people across the county with issues relating to drug and alcohol use.
This free and confidential service is being delivered from hubs in Boston, Grantham, Lincoln, Skegness, Spalding and Gainsborough. There is also a network of community satellite venues to ensure equal access and mobile units which enable services to be provided closer to home for people living in some of the more isolated parts of the county.
People with lived experience of recovering from drug or alcohol issues will be on hand to support people every step of the way. A dedicated mental health team will be available to support people with both mental health and substance use issues.
Lincolnshire residents can self-refer online on the service’s website where there is a range of digital self-help materials available.
In addition a dedicated young people’s service, Horizon, offers support, information, and advice about drugs and alcohol. More information can be found at .
The partnership, commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council, is led by Turning Point, a national organisation with 60 years’ experience of supporting people with drug and alcohol issues. Alongside Turning Point and Framework is Double Impact – a Lived Experience Recovery Organisation with 25 years’ experience of supporting people to recover from drug and alcohol dependence and reintegrate into the community.
As Framework’s Director of Health and Social Care, Apollos Clifton-Brown, says: “Our experience of supporting people with complex needs shows that they need joined-up approaches. This integrated partnership with Turning Point and Double Impact delivers exactly that.”
Framework’s contribution to this new service is based not only on long experience of working in Lincolnshire but also on seven years’ experience of leading the partnership to deliver Nottingham’s drug and alcohol service – the Nottingham Recovery Network (NRN).
NRN provides a highly effective single point of free support, advice and treatment, building on the diverse skills and resources of our partners Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Double Impact and Al-Hurraya,
NRN’s wide range of services offered under one roof at the Wellbeing Hub includes support with alcohol and drug treatment, mental health and mental wellbeing, harm reduction and sexual health, skills and education, and employment. The Wellbeing Hub is located at 73 Hounds Gate off Nottingham’s Maid Marian Way.